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Top Apps For Accountants

Accountants are good with numbers, and today, with a myriad of apps available to calculate the bottom line, anyone with a smart phone can pretend they’re a math whiz. Accounting apps come in all shapes, sizes and costs. Even free apps offer a wide variety of useful features, such as electronic invoicing, employee scheduling and more.

What differentiates a “top’ accounting app from just a regular, everyday, ho-hum accounting app? The answer depends on who’s rating the apps. For example, AppAppeal, a web site that reviews apps, recently offered its opinion as to which accounting apps are the best. Tops among the 18 apps highlighted is Xero. For a monthly fee depending on the desire services, Xero serves the accounting needs of small businesses and their advisors.

Harvest, the second best accounting app, allows the user to track hours worked, expenses incurred and create electronic invoices. The third best app is Outright. The online bookkeeping software for small business owners also tracks sales and even pays estimated taxes on time rather that late.

A March 26, 2014 article in Business News Daily offers a bevy of suggestions and opinions regarding the top iOS accounting apps. The article also reports that Apple offers a wide variety of accounting apps for various user needs.

Other useful accounting apps include Easy Books, Shoeboxed and Mint. Easy Books comes in two flavors, free or a paid version, with a twist. The free app offers basic features designed to help keep a business’s finances in order. It can also create estimates and invoices. What’s unique about the aspects of the app that cost money is that the user pays for only those add-on services they wish to use, such as creating a full expense report.

Shoeboxed is free with a monthly subscription with a low monthly fee. Compatible with Android devices, the app organizes receipts, bills and other financial documents. Once a document is uploaded on the Shoeboxed app, pertinent information such as vendor, date, total and payment type are automatically recorded. This service creates a fully searchable digital database of transactions. The organizational features of this app come in handy at tax time because pertinent documents are already saved in easily accessible files.

While Mint is a free app aimed at people seeking to organize personal finances, it also offers useful tools for small business owners and entrepreneurs. One of its most useful features is its ability to categorize bank accounts and credit card transactions, so they are automatically organized for the user.

There are countless accounting apps available through Apple, some free and some for a fee. Performing a Google or Yahoo search is another great way to locate apps appropriate for your needs.

Tami Kamin Meyer is an Ohio attorney and writer. She may be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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