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Sage One And How Small Businesses Can Get The Most Out Of It

taxes accounting businessSuccessful Businesses aren’t created over night. They take time, capital, commitment, business plans, and more business plans. And even then, it’s not guaranteed. But even after the details are implemented and the business opened; even after the permits are signed and the rent is paid, there still takes a lot of planning to make sure that the business is prosperous. With all the time you put into running your business, you may forget all about the finances that are associated with your company, and it eventually falls to the wayside.

Chances are you don’t have an accountant on your payroll, so this task will eventually fall into your lap. This is where accounting software such as Sage One comes in handy as it manages your budget, reports, and finances so you can get back to what matters- your business! And better yet it was made especially for small businesses and start-ups like yours.

Sage One works as an online accounting software for small businesses. It allows companies to invoice clients, run reports and link bank accounts. These tasks come in handy when a business isn’t big enough to hire an accountant and may not have the time or the means to do it themselves.

Any new software can be daunting and Sage One is no exception. If you’re interested in the software, there are representatives who will give you a free demo. This way you can see the software before you commit to purchasing it. If you like what you see, it’s just $10 a month for their Premium Package. With access from Macs, PCs, or tablets your company is able to create and send unlimited quotes, accept online payments, manage cash flow, and link financial accounts..

So what’s the downside? While Sage One is great for new start-ups and very small businesses; medium and large companies can get underwhelmed by some of the features Sage One has to offer. They have minimal templates when it comes to invoices and they only offer basic reports. Users warn that if you have a lot of invoices to send or numerous employees to manage it may suit you better to spend a few extra dollars on a program that meets your needs. And changes are if you are a medium to large company you can afford to hire an accountant or pay more for Quickbooks or a similar service.

In conclusion, Sage One is great software for what it is. If you’re a freelancer or have a small business it comes in handy when it comes time to invoice clients or run reports at tax season. If you’re looking for a meatier program, I would suggest paying a bit extra for software that can meet your accounting needs.

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Danielle Loughnane

Danielle Loughnane earned her B.F.A. in Creative Writing from Emerson College and has currently been working in the data science field since 2015. She is the author of a comic book entitled, “The Superhighs” and wrote a blog from 2011-2015 about working in the restaurant industry called, "Sir I Think You've Had Too Much.” In her spare time she likes reading graphic novels and snuggling with her dogs.

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