

Additional Help for Restaurants

Lawmakers could vote on a package to help restaurants with additional Covid funding, reports New Jersey Monitor.

Restaurants and other businesses that have survived more than two years of COVID-19 restrictions could see an infusion of federal dollars in the coming months, as long as U.S. lawmakers reach final agreement on a multibillion-dollar package.


More Relief for Small Businesses

In an effort to help small businesses that are still struggling the House passed an additional $55 million in funding, reports Small Business Trends.

Small businesses are still dealing with the challenges brought on by the pandemic, but now you can add the inflation, supply chain issues, and even the continuing labor shortage to the mix. 


San Francisco Opens Up Small Business Grants

San Francisco offers grants for small business recovery, reports NBC Bay Area. 

The San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development on Friday announced financial recovery grants available for small businesses. 


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