Tami Kamin Meyer

Tami Kamin Meyer

What is succession business planning?

According to Atlanta lawyer Scott Zucker, a business succession plan can help retain family harmony when it’s time for company leadership to transition. A business succession plan is an organized, thoughtful arrangement that choreographs a smooth transition in company leadership. They are especially important for family-owned enterprises so when the time comes for a change at the top, everyone involved or impacted by the transition knows what to expect. Hopefully, that will save emotions, arguments and other obstacles to family harmony.


It’s the old adage: Location, location, location

Globcal medium resolution globeImagine you want to start a dating service and are equipped with the business savvy to get the enterprise off the ground. You’re fortunate to have the necessary capital and your logo is epic. Excellent! Read more...

There’s more to the World Wide Web than meets the eye

world wide webHow many times a day do people say, “Just Google it.” Certainly, this writer uses the ubiquitous search engine to find information on the Internet. Read more...

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