Scott Koegler
Hiring is Complicated - Simplify With These Practices
- Monday, 05 December 2022
When running a business, one of the hardest things is getting the right talent to ensure things get done. It is a dream of any employer to find people who know what they do and help fulfill an organization’s objectives, mission and vision. Despite this challenge, companies can still win the talent war by developing the right hiring best practices. As you seek to get the best employees for your organization, here are simplified hiring best practices that might help you get the best talent in the market.
Read more...7 Challenges Your Small Business Faces
- Monday, 28 November 2022
Owning and running a small business is a dream of almost everyone. However, this is a big challenge, especially considering the problems you will likely face. While having the idea is the easiest part, starting and managing a business is not a simple task, as some might want to believe. The first two years of a business are the biggest problem, and most small businesses do not make it past this period. Those brave enough will successfully manage every aspect of the business starting from employees, marketing and administration, and ensure that they do not miss any leads. Here are some challenges that your small business might face.
Read more...7 Great Ideas for Next Year's Business Venture
- Monday, 21 November 2022
As the year comes close to an end, people across the world are thinking of the right ways to begin the coming year on the right footing. One way you can start on a high is by starting a business venture and working hard for its success. Although there are many business ideas, only a handful last for a year, let alone make a profit. Due to this challenge, most wannabe entrepreneurs find themselves losing hope of ever being business owners in their lives again. As you embark on a new year, here are 7 great ideas for a business venture that can interest you:
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Feb 08 2012
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Sep 08 2011
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Nov 14 2012
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