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Infographic: CFOs See Technology Tools, Delegating as Top Time Management Strategies

When it comes to managing their time, executives have their favorite strategies. Thirty-five percent of chief financial officers (CFOs) interviewed said they find that working efficiently comes from taking greater advantage of technology; another 35 percent said delegating more responsibilities is the secret to maximizing work hours. The results are consistent with a similar survey conducted in 2003.

The survey was developed by Robert Half Management Resources, the world's premier provider of senior-level finance, accounting and business systems professionals on a project and interim basis. It was conducted by an independent research firm and is based on interviews with more than 2,100 CFOs from a random sample of companies in more than 20 of the largest U.S. markets.

CFOs were asked, "Which one of the following is most effective in helping you manage your time at work?" Their responses:

Taking greater advantage of technology tools


Delegating more responsibilities


Spending less time in meetings


Traveling less frequently


Other/don't know




Paul McDonald, senior executive director for Robert Half, said CFOs can tap technology both to help with their individual time management and to enhance organizational efficiencies. "Technology tools, such as smartphones and tablets, can help professionals save time and provide them added flexibility. However, executives also should prioritize keeping their company's information technology and financial systems current to help their organizations become faster and more productive."

"Delegating isn't just a time management strategy -- it's also instrumental to succession planning," McDonald noted. "Giving employees the opportunity to take on new challenges prepares them to move up in the firm and gives managers a sense of where additional training may be needed."
MR 0714 GRAPH TimeManagement v3
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