SBN Editors
Does the Cloud Protect Your Data from Disaster?
- Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Face to Face: Has Technology Replaced the Customer Visit
- Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Crowd-funding: A new way to finance your business
- Wednesday, 07 August 2013
It's a new way to finance your business. It's revolutionary, and it is literally changing the entire way that small business owners think about financing. We're talking about crowdfunding. Never heard of it? Crowd funding is when a group of people gets together to support a new business venture. The people who support the new business are known as "backers", and they help the project by donating money or offering up contacts or other resources. In exchange for their help, they are offered perks such as free services, products, etc. from the company they helped to build.
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Feb 08 2012
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Nov 14 2012
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