Estimated reading time: 4 minutes, 36 seconds
Keepsakes Adorning Office Keep Professionals Happy

As you look around your work area, your gaze probably happens upon a prized possession or a silly souvenir. Do they bring smile to your face? Remind you of a special event? Offer a moment of respite from our technology-infused world? Read on to see what some people had to say about their office décor and why the item has earned a coveted spot in their office.
Summer Huggins, Austin, TX
Huggins works for Small World Labs, a small technology/community platform. “Our whole office is painted in colors that coordinate the company logo/website, and we have a beautiful hand-painted mural of the Austin skyline on one wall. It’s gorgeous!” she says.
John Ivanic, Communications Director for Columbus City Council, Columbus, OH
Ivanic played football all four years he attended Northern Illinois University. He keeps his football helmet on his desk because “it’s fun. It gets people’s attention. Kids like to put it on. Reminds me of the value of hard work. Teamwork. Friends. Coaches. Teammates,” says Ivanic.
Tom Johansmeyer, Director of Marketing, Claims and Crime Analytics at Versik Insurance Solutions, NYC
Johansmeyer is an avid cigar smoker who, ironically, also hates wasting time. So he keeps 20-pound free weights in his office. “It makes conference calls a little more productive,” he says. The top of his file cabinet is adorned with two items of great sentiment. “I have a Veteran’s Day card from my son and dog tags hanging,” says Johansmeyer.
Wendy Goldfinger Judice, Registered Nurse, Cincinnati, OH
For Wendy Goldfinger Judice, a registered nurse who teaches disaster management at a Cincinnati hospital, bright colors were key to enjoying her work area. “I did my office in bright pink because it’s bland and has no windows I have a hot pink light, pencil holders and fake flowers. My prized possession in my office is my stuffed eboli and anthrax,” she says.
Jeffrey Lafever, Executive Director of the Columbus Historical Society, Columbus, OH
Lafever is the go-to guy in Columbus when it comes to inquiries about the historical significance of homes and neighborhoods. But when it comes to his most prized possession at work, antiquity doesn’t come into play. “I have a puzzle I brought from the Alhambra in Spain for my mother at Christmas. She put it together, framed it and gave it back to me for Christmas the following year,” he explains.
Cindy Leland, Editor at Homicide Unit for the Columbus Police Department, Columbus, OH
Leland not only proofreads police reports, she enjoys singing professionally, too. Serenity is paramount to her happiness, so she adorns her office with several items of import to her. “I have a Hokosai print (a boy sitting in a tree, piping, with Mount Fuji in the background).” Her walls also feature her favorite Van Gogh print, a postcard of her favorite Turner, which are fish sellers on the bank of the Thames Estuary at dawn) and a photo of the Hale-Bopp comet. “It is a serene and peaceful place,” she says.
Diane Feldman Rothschild, editorial staffer at Fire Engineering magazine, Fair Lawn, NJ
Feldman Rothschild’s office décor is directly related to her work at a magazine for fire fighters. “I have fire memorabilia all over my office—mini fire trucks, stuffed Dalmations, fire prints, old nozzles and helmet front pieces. It makes me feel like a kid and people’s kids go nuts in my office,” she explains.
DC Stanfa, Humor writer and author, Cincinnati, OH
Stanfa enjoys having fun and consistently tries to see the lighter side of life. Her favorite office décor is a photo of an adorable bulldog. “When I’m feeling down, defeated or rejected,” she looks at the photo. “It inspires me to persevere. I’m really a cat person, but a cute kitty photo just screams ‘pussy,” she says.
Albert Wang, IT Consultant, West Chester, OH
Wang’s most prized office décor was hard-earned. “I have a life-sized penguin, which was a prize from a business class, wearing my chili contest trophy ladles. He sits on top of my book carrel and can be seen above the cube farm from anywhere on the floor. It has been a great navigation aid for me and my neighbors to guide people to our desks,” he explains.
Tami Kamin Meyer is an Ohio attorney and freelance writer. She may be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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