Living a big life

lisa messengerI once read about a palliative care nurse who said the number one thing people told her on their deathbed was they wished they had lived without the influence or constrain of other people’s expectations. Heavy but oh so true. It made me all the more resolute in the notion that we should unequivocally and unashamedly live the exact life we want too. I’m not afraid to say that personally, the lifestyle I lead is big, and this is no accident. I set big business and personal goals and run 100 miles an hour towards them, all in the pursuit of living every day to the full, never wasting an opportunity that comes my way and becoming the very best version of myself I can be. I try and say ‘yes’ more than I say ‘no’ at every step of the journey. Want to join me in living large and loud? Read more...

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