Tami Kamin Meyer

Tami Kamin Meyer

Is mindfulness the answer for de-stressing anxious lawyers?

San Francisco personal bankruptcy attorney Jeena Cho says she experienced career burnout about nine years ago after practicing law since 2004. She began losing clumps of hair and suffered from insomnia, which she treated with Ambien. She started to withdraw socially, which led to increased anxiety. After her physician could not find anything physically wrong with her, Cho decided to seek relief in other ways than from the innards of a prescription bottle.


Is a managed password system right for you?

It’s no secret much of our personal and business lives are conducted online. That reality means that every day, people visit a myriad of web sites for social media, business, banking, research and more. Because most web sites require some type of password log-in to access it, the number of passwords people have to remember can be staggering. And, while it would be so easy if we could use the same password for every account, that is simply not a best practice.


SEO is important to your small business

seoIf you were under the impression that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) might be losing its luster, guess again. According to Craig Petronella, founder the CEO of Petronella Marketing, SEO is the “oxygen in the room for a business. If a business doesn’t market, they don’t get business and don’t survive.” Read more...

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