Lifestyle (88)
What’s the state of your estate?
- Tuesday, 13 February 2018
- Lifestyle
- Written by Tami Kamin Meyer
Estate planning is not just for the wealthy. It’s not only for millionaires or those with mansions. It is for every person who owns anything they wish to pass on to someone or an organization after their death. And, if you’re an entrepreneur, it’s likely you will be bequeathing countless items to others beyond your clothing and furniture. You might pass on a vehicle, a home, life insurance and even the inventory of your business.
Recruit Your Boss to Help Build Your Career
- Monday, 05 February 2018
- Lifestyle
- Written by Lisa Prior
Is your boss taking time to help you nurture your professional dreams? If the answer is yes, you’re one of the lucky ones. If the answer is no, that can change. And you can be the person who makes it happen.
The Key Changes You Need To Make To Your Annual Kick-Off Meeting
- Monday, 22 January 2018
- Lifestyle
- Written by Ashley Welch and Justin Jones
It’s getting to be “that” time of year again, when Sales and Sales Enablement leaders are planning their annual sales kick-off meetings. It’s no small task. In addition to the basic logistics of selecting a destination, blocking rooms and finding meeting space, there’s an unspoken pressure to top last year’s meeting. How can we make it bigger and better? What guest speakers will inspire? What awards will mean the most to our top performers?
4 Pre-Retirement Mistakes You Can’t Afford To Make
- Monday, 08 January 2018
- Lifestyle
- Written by Richard W. Paul
The roadmap to retirement planning can be filled with potholes, detours, missed exits and major accidents. There’s no fail-safe GPS; a complicated and unstable economy makes it more difficult to plot a sound financial course than it was for previous generations.
4 Ways Leaders Can Help Their Company’s Culture Thrive
- Tuesday, 02 January 2018
- Lifestyle
- Written by Kerry Alison Wekelo
Some employees just aren’t into their jobs. In fact, that may be true for most of them. The Gallup organization, which regularly measures employee engagement across the country, reports that just 32 percent of employees say they are enthusiastic about and committed to their work and workplace.
Why It’s Ok to Say No to Your Company’s Holiday Party
- Wednesday, 20 December 2017
- Lifestyle
- Written by Holly Caplan
We all know that the awareness of sexual harassment and gender bias in the work place is at an all time high. The stories just keep on coming. They do not stop. Every day a new woman comes forward and everyday a new man is vehemently apologizing on a major network. In light of all of this, companies and employees are revaluating their upcoming holiday parties, which often becomes the chance to drink heavily with your colleagues and act in ways you otherwise would not.
Dealing With A Bad Boss: Why Empathy is Key
- Thursday, 16 November 2017
- Lifestyle
- Written by Dr. Michelle Joy and Dr. Jody Foster
A boss can make the workplace miserable. Given how much time people spend in the office, life itself can become wretched. You start to feel angry, humiliated, anxious, and depressed. You tell your coworkers just how bad this supervisor is, how they treat you, how they make you feel. Your boss really is a “jerk,” you claim, “a schmuck” you all agree. You consider doing something about it but take no steps. You hope that they stop acting this way and that everything can just get better on its own.
Three Ways to Approach Crying in the Workplace
- Thursday, 02 November 2017
- Lifestyle
- Written by Holly Caplan
For many of us, getting frustrated, flustered or just plain emotional can have us end up in tears. And it happens more often than you may think in the one place you hope it doesn’t: the workplace. Turns out, 41 percent of women and 9 percent of men cry in the workplace and at some point in your career you will probably end up in tears in front of your boss, client or colleagues. It happens to most of us, and it is usually when we don’t see it coming. And even though crying is natural, it is unfortunately seen as weakness in the workplace.
Five Steps to Fix a Toxic Team
- Wednesday, 25 October 2017
- Lifestyle
- Written by Abby Curnow-Chavez
In the world of business it’s safe to say all work is done in teams. Ask anyone and they’ll tell you most of the teams they’ve been on are average or mediocre, or good but not great. And sadly, many can tell you in dreaded detail about the toxic teams they’ve been on where gossip, sabotage, and finger-pointing were the norm.
How Millennials Are Redefining Work and Happiness
- Wednesday, 06 September 2017
- Lifestyle
- Written by Jody B. Miller
The two largest groups in the workforce right now are Baby Boomers and Millennials, with the Millennials set to surpass the Boomers in short order. Many individuals in these two groups have found it challenging to work across generational lines to achieve ideal outcomes and collaborate effectively. Why is this? Let’s take a closer look at how Millennials are redefining the workplace to be aligned with happiness and personal fulfillment.
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