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Late Adopters: Small Businesses Slow To Go Mobile

Newtek Business Services has announced the findings of its SB Authority Market Sentiment Survey, a monthly window into the concerns of independent business owners. Based on a poll with over 3,100 respondents, one of the key findings from the September survey is that 70% of business owners do not currently run business applications on their smartphone or tablet. Additionally, of those polled who responded, only 14% said they would consider replacing their PC with a smartphone or tablet.

The full September 2013 results showed the following:

Do you run business applications on a smartphone or tablet? Yes = 30%, No  = 70%

Do you think you will replace your PC with a smartphone or tablet? Yes = 14%, No  = 86%

Barry Sloane, Chairman, President and CEO of The Small Business Authority(®) commented, "It is important to note that most of our independent business owners still have not embraced tablets, smartphones or other mobile forms of receiving and sending business data. We see this as a great business opportunity for us and our clients to improve their productivity and business efficiencies in upcoming quarters and years."
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