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Remarket, Retarget To Buy A Bigger Gig

retargetWhile remarketing, also known as retargeting, is viewed by some people as an invasion of privacy, entrepreneurs who embrace it as part of their marketing strategy are laughing all the way to the bank.

According to Tom Murzenski, a self-proclaimed Technologist and owner of TechKnowSys, a full service digital marketing agency in New Jersey, remarketing “reminds people who have visited your web site about your goods and services as they surf other web sites.”

Ads can appear on any web site that supports AdSense, a program that allows web site owners to host Google advertisements. When web site visitors click on an ad, revenue generated by that click is shared by the site owner and Google, he explains.

Pros and cons
As with anything, there are plusses and minuses about incorporating retargeting into your company’s marketing strategy, though Murzenski says the benefits far outweigh the negatives.

One benefit of remarketing is that it serves to remind a potential customer about their prior visit to a web site in the hopes of luring them back in. If a return visit is made, the chances for a sale increase dramatically.

A Google study supports that notion. Google discovered that 96 out of every 100 times a web site is visited for the first time, the guest left without “completing the actions that marketers want them to take,” says Murzenski. Moreover, statistics show that 70 percent of shoppers abandon their shopping basket rather than completing a purchase.

“Remarketing is a way of reaching out to that large segment of your audience and getting them back to your web site,” says Murzenski.
Another benefit of retargeting is that ads can be tailored to the individual web guest, thereby upping the likelihood of a sale.

However, there are people bothered by receiving ads online while visiting subsequent web sites because they consider it an invasion of privacy, he says.
Despite that concern, the use of retargeting is on the uptick. “I’m seeing more targeted ads than general ones,” says Murzenski.

He sees retargeting as a solid investment for businesses. There are costs associated with getting people to visit a web site, ranging from paying a writer to create a press release promoting your company to implementing SEO keywords on a site, notes Murzenski. Since research has demonstrated the unlikelihood of a purchase being made on their first foray to a site, it’s wise to implement a way to remind people you exist, he says.

“If someone is going to do any kind of marketing online, I suggest their next venture after creating a web site is retargeting” to encourage people to keep coming back, says Murzenski.

Tami Kamin Meyer is an Ohio attorney and writer. She may be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or @girlwithapen.
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