According to, a manifesto is “a public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives, or motives, as one issued by a government, sovereign, or organization.” In other words, a manifesto is a written statement expressing its author’s intentions, opinions, visions and beliefs. They are creative expressions of what motivates a business owner and their staff to behave in certain ways as they endeavor to meet company aspirations.
A well-written manifesto will give its reader a clearer understanding of its author or their intentions. It can also describe the goal of a project or its importance to its creator or their business endeavors.
Manifestos can be descriptive and complex or simple and succinct. To embark on a simple version, try responding to the following three statements:
- I love _____________.
- I believe ___________.
- I am committed to ______________.
A more extensive manifesto could include responses to statements such as:
- My goal is to _____________.
- I want to live in a world where ____________.
- The three characteristics I most value in people are ______, ______ and
- I am deeply moved by __________.
- In my ideal world, _________ would be in charge.
- One day, I hope to __________.
- I commit to being responsible for ________.
If a company is to create a manifesto, it’s wise for it to be written in a collaborative manner so it can express a unified vision. Hanging the manifesto in a common area is a great way for reinforcing the message you and your staff worked on together. That can be great for company morale since it serves as a tangible reminder of the values, goals and ethics espoused by all members of the team.
Tami Kamin Meyer is an Ohio attorney and writer who tweets as @girlwithapen.