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The 6 Most Important Aspects of Direct Mail

bulkmailRunning a direct mail campaign can be one of the most successful ways of boosting sales and getting information into the hands of new customers, but there are a few key elements that can make- or break- your next direct mail campaign.

While direct mail can be incredibly successful, it is also a complicated and time-consuming process that can create a real headache for business owners who don’t understand the process. The good news is that by understanding the most important aspects of direct mail, you can minimize the hassles and maximize your results. After all, the main reason that business take advantage of this method is simple- direct mail is cost-effective and it works. Here are the six most important aspects of direct mail, and how you can get them right:

1- Start by understanding that direct mail campaigns are part of a process, not an instant answer. The goal of a direct mail campaign is to give your customers more ways to get involved with your company. They may be able to see your ads on television, read about you in the paper, visit your website, or call an 800-number, but none of these methods puts something tangible in the hands of your customer the way direct mail does. The letter you send them today may give them the information they need to order online, call, or simply find out more about your business.

2 - Keeping your costs in check requires some smart planning on your part. The most important part of that process involves managing who you mail information to, much the way targeted marketing works online. Ideally, sending mail out to customers who request it is your best choice, but think of other ideas as well. Also, be sure to track and manage your responses- knowing which letters get the best response, where responses are coming from, and how customers are reacting is the best way to make your next marketing campaign more successful.

3- It is difficult to choose a single “most important” part of a direct mail campaign, but the offer you make in your mailing is the best candidate. Your mailing should tell customers exactly what you want them to do, and then make it easy for them to do it. You need to tell customers what you are offering, clearly and without any confusing language, and then make it easy for them to buy. The better you are able to do this, the more successful your campaign will be.

4- Avoiding “one size fits all” campaigns can be another mistake that many businesses make. Letters sent to existing customers should be different from those sent to prospective customers. If possible, consider personalization for repeat customers (letters addressed specifically to them and which contain details about their previous purchases if possible). New customers will want to find out about you, while existing customers will want to find out how they can buy from you again. Write your direct mail letters accordingly.

5- One of the best ways to keep a customer is to make it easy for him to order from you again. Providing customers with ways to order on a set schedule, such as with an automatic renewal or a subscription, can make it easier for customers to buy from you in the future. Be sure to give customers different options to make it easy for them to not only buy from you today, but to keep coming back. This can also take the form of coupons or incentives for future purchases.

6- Building brand recognition is an important part of any direct mailing campaign. Use your letter to reinforce your brand by repeating your company and brand names, including your logo in several locations, and adding pictures of your product. Simple tricks, like listing product benefits under a series of bullets next to a picture of the product, can reinforce to your customers why they should buy from you- and not a competitor. Direct mail is an ideal way to encourage brand loyalty among new customers and repeat buyers.

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