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Android vs. Apple: Which is More Business Friendly?

When choosing a mobile device for your small business, it can be kind of a hard choice. Android versus Apple: which one is better for your business?The war between Apple and Android has been waging for a long time now, and the choice between the two is not always clear.

For more on the ongoing battle, read this insightful article
. Here are some things to consider when making this important choice. If you are worried about network security, especially if you are going to be distributing phones to your employees, Apple is probably the better choice. Android has a history of security issues, although they have gotten better recently. You also have to consider whether or not you want to have lots of choices when it comes to phone designs. Android is the better option if you want to customize, while Apple only has the iPhone to choose from.

Another thing you need to decide is whether or not you want access to the latest apps. Apple has the newest apps, since they are the most popular phone. However, Android is right behind, and is coming up with lots of new apps all the time. Also, Apple's iPhone is much more expensive than Android. You can usually get Android phones for free when you sign a contract, if you are looking for something affordable. Also, if you want to be able to browse the web quickly and easily, you want an Apple phone. Androids also have great web capabilities, though, so the choice is not clear cut.

Even the most die hard Apple fans have to admit that Android has some really good aspects as well. Just take it from Guy Kawasaki, a former Apple exec who has made the switch over to Android:

"It's been 16 years since I worked at Apple. At some point, people have to move on, right? My perspective is this: my allegiance is to the best product for my needs. For a computer, this means Macintosh. For phone and tablet, this means Android.Android is already good for business. There are already hundreds of millions of business users. Many Android users aren't aware of some the things that Android can already do such as supporting the enforcement of companywide security policies, encrypting phone data and providing e-mail and calendar widgets that update in real-time." Read more

As you can see, the choice is not always easy. Both Android and iPhone have good points, and not so good points. For an inside look at a self proclaimed "iPhone lover" and his trial run of an Andriod device that left him confused over which to choose, read this post from Matthew Ingram.

Apple has designed the iPhone to be able to be integrated into IT departments, and researchers say that the iPhone could quite possibly be the "new Blackberry". Sometimes, however, when it comes to spotty service, Android is king, since Apple phones have a notoriety for calls being dropped, no matter what carrier. Bottom line? Most experts agree that if you were going to choose just one smartphone for your small business needs, that you would be better off choosing the iPhone. Apple has perfected the smartphone, and the apps alone can be so helpful for small business. However, many business owners prefer Android for different reasons, like using Chrome as the default browser, using any micro USB cable for charging, or the larger screens available on some Android phones.

Think the choice is only difficult for small business owners? That's not true! Even the rich and famous have a hard time choosing! Want to hear what the pros think?

Mark Cuban, Chairman and CEO of HDnet and owner of the Dallas Mavericks:

"With Android I get to choose from many different products from many different phone manufacturers. With iOS, I get what Apple gives me. Which isn't necessarily bad, but it's not always the best fit for my personal or business communication needs."

Peter Rojas, co founder of gdgt, Endgadget, and Gizmodo:

"I think both platforms are great -- I use both every single day -- but for my primary phone I use a Galaxy Nexus.


Because while iOS might be more elegant, easy-to-use, and have a better overall selection of apps, Android does a better job at the things I care about most, like Gmail and Google Voice, plus I can install aftermarket keyboards like SwiftKey which have greatly improved my typing speed.

Ultimately each person has their own mix of what's important to them, and what's great about the gadget space now is that we have so much choice and we can all find what's right for us (this is why we started gdgt, actually)." Read more   

The truth of the matter is, there really is no clear cut winner. Every business owner will have to determine what exactly their needs are, and which of the two companies will be the one to meet those needs the best.  The Apple vs. Android battle is nowhere near over, as you can see in this post.
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