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Five Tips on Choosing the Right Point-of-Sale System

accuposPoint-of-sale (POS) systems are a must-have for retailers who are looking for a way to quickly and accurately process and track customer transactions. But what kind of system is right for your business? There are a wide variety of POS systems on the market. To choose the one that’s right for you, it’s important to know the difference between your needs and your wants.

Needs – such as reliability, access to support, system security and ease of customization – are basic, but sometimes business owners overlook them in favor of wants. Wants are emotional, and if they are prioritized above needs, they can result in poor decision-making. Sure, it may “feel” cool to have an iPad on your counter, but is that really the best decision for your business? Here are five tips that can help you make an informed decision.

1.    Think about accounting software integration. POS sales reports are great, but they aren’t as useful if they don’t tell a complete story. You may have sold something, but did you make money? Finding a POS solution that can display your detailed sales data in QuickBooks, Sage or the accounting software of your choice will ensure that you don’t have to duplicate your efforts to bring your overall profitability picture into view.

2.    Make sure you can manage setting it up yourself. Many solutions today offer excellent self-programming tools and remote desktop support. This can save you time and money on your implementation while enabling you to master your own system. Be wary of “local” resellers who promise to “handle it all” for you. One week later, they could be busy “handling it all” for someone else, and you’ll be stuck without the assistance you need and no idea how your new POS system works. 

3.    Be sure your solution is flexible. The one constant in business is change, so find a flexible system. Can you add more stations? Mobile extensions for when you need to sell on the road? An eCommerce site? Will your customer data export to your marketing materials? If you use QuickBooks Pro today and integrate your POS system, can you upgrade to QuickBooks Enterprise tomorrow without interrupting POS activity? Plan ahead, and make sure your system is flexible enough to handle growth and other changes.

4.    Find the best fit for your company. Unless you’re running a mega-corporation where you’ll always have vendors’ undivided attention, it’s usually a good strategy to find vendors that are big enough to support you but small enough to hear you. One way to make sure is to see if you can get the same person on the phone twice. That way, you’ll know it’s possible to find someone who will take ownership if you have a feature request or an issue to be resolved.

5.    Consider your mobile options – even if you don’t think you’ll need them at first. Maybe your primary operation is a museum gift shop or restaurant, but consider the possibilities down the road: Your museum store may participate in an outdoor event. Maybe your restaurant will run a booth at neighborhood food fairs. A secure mobile solution gives you the option to take your business anywhere it needs to be.

The number one piece of advice for small to midsized business owners who are looking for the right POS system – or any other technology solution – is this: Make sure you truly understand your business needs before you search for or buy a system. Too often, new business owners will seek out technology that is not a good fit for them, and often it’s because they haven’t served their first customer yet and don’t have a solid idea of what they need. 

Remember, early adopters pay a steep premium for hardware and technology that gets cheaper over time. So before you buy a POS system, make sure you understand exactly what you need and how it fits into your company’s big picture. By keeping that advice in mind and following these five tips, you can choose the POS system that’s right for you.

Joe Pergola is President of AccuPOS
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