Do You Know About These 2020 Tax Changes?

Before too much time passes this year, it’s best to get a jump-start on Tax Season. Taxes are just around the corner, so learn about the new changes to 2020 taxes now to avoid any surprises. There just might be a few benefits in the new code that will positively affect you and your business, but also beware any changes that could cause problems if you are noncompliant.


2019 Marcum Year-End Tax Guide Discusses First Year under Tax Reform

Marcum LLP today released its 2019 Year-End Tax Guide.  The 54-page annual review discusses the first tax filing year under the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA). The report highlights 15 aspects of tax reform and its impact on individual and business taxpayers.


Understanding Depreciation

Depreciation is perhaps one of the most complex terms for small business owners to grasp. With many rules associated with it, it becomes even more complicated for anyone except for the professionals in the finance sector. The most important way you can ensure you understand this concept is to avoid being intimidated by big words employed.  You can achieve this by focusing on how depreciation affects us in our daily lives.


10 Things You Should Have On Your 2011 Filing

altOkay, everyone! Tax season is upon us (yay!), and everybody is thinking taxes right now. It can be very confusing, especially if you are a new business owner. We have compiled a great list of ten important things to remember on this year's tax return! These are all important and sometimes often overlooked points to remember, so make sure to check out the list!


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