Tami Kamin Meyer

Tami Kamin Meyer

Does the NLRB impact small businesses, too?

labor relationsThe work of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the Federal administrative body that enforces the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), relates to employers of all sizes Read more...

Are credit card readers right for your small business?

credit card readerIf you are a small business owner considering whether to accept credit card payments from customers via the use of a card reader, you have several decisions to make. And, not surprisingly, several options to choose from. For example, you could go with industry leader Square. According to a recent article in Business News Daily, the little white card reader offered by Square is the industry leader because it is a fast and easy way to accept credit card payments anytime, anywhere. Read more...

Customer loyalty isn’t what it used to be, but it can still be cultivated

LoyaltyThe advent of the internet, which has intensified competition between businesses and brands in many ways, has also led to a decrease in customer loyalty. However, that does not mean the potential for consumer loyalty is forever lost. What it does mean is companies and brands need to up their game to rise above the cacophony of ads, articles and other promotional efforts espoused by competitors. Read more...

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