Tami Kamin Meyer

Tami Kamin Meyer

Is a digital brochure right for your small business?

business brochure template 1198 128The advent of technology has provided a myriad ways for small businesses to reach existing and potential customers. No longer are companies forced to rely on tried-and-true methods of advertising such as newspaper or magazines ads or radio and TV commercials. In today’s global economy, web sites are considered mandatory. Related to web sites is another way of reaching potential or current customers: the digital brochure. Read more...

Working from home has its benefits, challenges

work from homeIt might seem heavenly to run a business from home, meaning no rush hour headaches, no parking hassles and no worries about spending countless hours away from the family. For some entrepreneurs, working from home is the only way they can afford their chosen careers. However, managing a career from home isn’t for everyone since the lure of gathering laundry, the clank of clamoring dishes and the dogs begging to be walked might cause too much distraction and disruption. Read more...

Contemplating legal templates for your small business

Image for Legal FormsCommon sense tells entrepreneurs there is more to running a successful small business than opening the front doors or maintaining a user-friendly web site. Among the multitude of concerns facing entrepreneurs is how to legally protect their business interests, regardless of whether they stem from a real estate contract for renting or purchasing a new location for their enterprise or an employment agreement with staff members. Read more...

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