Tami Kamin Meyer

Tami Kamin Meyer

Mediate, don’t litigate

mediation“The essence of mediation is that all sides have chosen to work out a dispute between themselves,” says Steve Smith, President and Head Coach with California’s GrowthSource Coaching, a business consultancy.  According to Smith, a mediator is an independent third party who works to being people or organizations together so they can “come to their own solution about resolving a dispute.” Read more...

The importance of written contracts

ContractLaw“Cutting corners in a contract situation will often cost you more than had you invested initially in the proper documentation because legal cures are more expensive than legal prevention,” says Greg Clement, a partner with the California law firm of Burkhalter Kessler Clement & George LLP. Read more...

Bookkeeper vs. Accountant: Which is right for your small business?

bookkeeper 1Taking care of your company’s financials is a numbers game, but sometimes it can be a tricky proposition determining whether your monetary matters require the expertise of a bookkeeper or an accountant. Read more...

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