Tami Kamin Meyer

Tami Kamin Meyer

Business Expert: Employers should rethink job ads

job description 1Today’s small business owner would be wise to reconsider the importance of the content contained in a job advertisement, says a New Jersey small business expert. According to Lonnie Sciambi, The Entrepreneur’s Yoda who owns The Small Business Force, today’s employers need to view job advertisements as more than a way of finding the best qualified candidates for an employment opportunity. Read more...

Is your business ready for an online marketplace?

online marketplaceIf you leave home without your wallet, you might still manage to make it through the workday. You can borrow a few bucks from someone to buy lunch and hopefully, fresh, hot coffee is there for the taking in the break room. But leave home without remembering your cell phone and more than likely, you will feel like you forgot to get dressed that day. Read more...

Tips for negotiating with vendors

vendor negotiationDuvi Honig, Founder and CEO of the Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce, has enjoyed a sustained and successful career toiling in the business world. As head of an international organization whose mission includes advocacy, entrepreneurial training and networking opportunities for businesspeople worldwide, Honig is a well-respected leader in business environs. Read more...

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