
HR/Benefits (126)

Learning Can Be Fun, Even for Lawyers

Former New York Yankee catcher and legendary manager Yogi Berra, known for his witticisms and pithy humor, once said, "Life is a learning experience, only if you learn." That adage is also appropriate for attorneys, even though there seems to be a general public perception that lawyers know everything. Read more...

How Obamacare Can Impact Your Small Business

Health-Care-Reform-Small-Businesses-jpg“Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), businesses which have 50 or more full-time employees are required to pay for and provide healthcare coverage. As a result, many small businesses have been forced to evaluate their workforce models to consider use of more part-time employees rather than full time,” says David Paragas, a partner in the Columbus office of Barnes + Thornburg, LLP. Read more...

How to Prepare to Participate in a Job Fair

You’re about to attend your first job fair in the hopes of landing a new, energetic, engaging, reliable and talented employee for your team. You remembered to bring a generous supply of business cards and even a professionally produced easel board describing your business. Think you’re ready? Think again... Read more...

Job Turnover Can Be Worrisome for Employers

The good news: the “quit rate,” or the percentage of American workers voluntarily leaving their jobs, has risen to its highest level in four years, according to a 2013 article published in the Denver Post.  According to Sophia Koropeckyj, an economist with Moody’s quoted in the article, this rise shows that workers are more confident about finding new jobs. Read more...

Web Based Payroll Solutions Use Facial Recognition

Face-RecognitionPayroll. It has always been both a time consuming and stressful task for all business owners, but for small business owners in particular. There have long been problems with payroll, from employees clocking other employees in or out to employees clocking in and then disappearing for the day, only to clock out at quitting time. However, now, those problems can be a thing of the past. New web and mobile based payroll solutions make it easy to track your employees through their workday. Read more...

Healthcare Tax Credit: What is it, Who Qualifies


It's not too late to get the small business Healthcare Tax Credit, so if you are not already taking advantage of it, you should definitely see if you qualify! This is a relatively new tax credit, started in 2010, to help small businesses offset the cost of providing health insurance for their employees. 


The Yearly Review: Why You Need It

employee performance review

Many small business owners do not think it is important to do a yearly employee review. Or, they are so intimidated by the process that they just skip it all together. This is a big mistake. Yearly reviews are very important. Whether it be an employee who is doing excellent and deserving of a promotion or raise, or an employee who is under performing and needs disciplinary action, you need to know what is going on in your company. The Yearly Review is a way to make that happen.


Non-Traditional Employee Benefits


Have you ever thought about providing your employees with some non traditional benefits?

In an economy where we can't always afford to pay employees what they would prefer, non traditional benefits can make it a little better for them. These benefits also can help boost morale, keep good employees on board, and attract new employees. Plus, who doesn't want to work for a fun company?

Time For A Check Up: Is Your 401K Plan Working?


Evaluating your 401K plan is very important for a small business owner. For a lot of people these days, the 401K may be the only retirement income that they have. There are so many things to consider to determine if your 401K is working for you.It's always a good idea to perform a little 401K check up and see what is going on with your money. Many people recommend doing this quarterly, but definitely do it at least once a year.


Contractor or Employee: Classification Matters


Do you know the difference in an employee and an independent contractor? This is an important classification for a small business owner to know, and there is a huge difference. Today we are going to show you the differences between the two.


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